WorldEuropeFirst Duch Apache AH-64E attack helicopters combat ready

First Duch Apache AH-64E attack helicopters combat ready

Type of event:
New technology presentation




April 24, 2024

What happened

The Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands has declared the first modernized Apache AH-64E attack helicopters combat-ready. Based on the Apache AH-64, these new variants have undergone significant upgrades to enhance their adaptability for modern warfare requirements as part of a modernization program to ensure operational readiness. One of the key improvements introduced, facilitated by the helicopter’s open system architecture, is the integration of Launched Effects (LE), Long Range Precision Munitions (LRPM), and Direct Energy Weapons (DEW). The rotor and drive system have been improved, increasing the power capability and decreasing maintenance costs as components have longer life and inspection cycles. The crew station now features a large area touchscreen display and a bi-ocular color helmet display to elevate operations awareness and reduce the pilot workload, which has further been reduced with an upgrade of the flight control system that now includes haptic cueing and advanced hold modes. Finally, operational readiness and operating costs have been optimized by integrating next-generation health and usage monitoring systems (HUMS) and enhanced system-level embedded diagnostics (SLED).

Where it happened

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