WorldEuropeEuropean law enforcement leaders to call for enhanced social media security

European law enforcement leaders to call for enhanced social media security

Type of event:




April 21, 2024

What happened

The leaders of European law enforcement are advocating for immediate action to safeguard security on social media platforms. Present privacy protocols, notably end-to-end encryption, raise concerns as they may impede the capacity to detect and combat severe offenses such as child exploitation. Europol and European law enforcement authorities have voiced these apprehensions through a joint declaration. The prevalence of end-to-end encryption is on the rise, as indicated by its implementation on Meta’s messaging platform. This declaration ensues from an informal gathering of European law enforcement leaders convened in London on April 18 at the invitation of the National Crime Agency. Participants encompassed law enforcement heads from EU member states and Schengen-associated nations, alongside Europol’s Executive Director Catherine De Bolle.

Where it happened

Main sources