WorldMiddle East and North AfricaTerror attack in Israel: 2 dead, 4 wounded

Terror attack in Israel: 2 dead, 4 wounded

Type of event:
Terrorist/rebel/criminal assault






February 16, 2024

What happened

A terrorist attack was carried out near the southern city of Gedera in Israel, at the Re’em junction, resulting in two deaths and four injuries. The Israel Police have reported that the attacker arrived at a bus station and opened fire at several people from within a vehicle. The assailant was subsequently neutralized by a civilian who was on the scene. A police spokesperson stated, “6 injured people were evacuated from the scene in moderate – severe condition.”

Following the attack, the area was thoroughly searched by the police for any potential explosives or accomplices. It has been confirmed by a city spokesman that there was no suspicion of a second terrorist in the area. The background of the attack remains unclear, however.

Where it happened

Main sources