WorldAsia-OceaniaTwo killed as terror attack on Istanbul courthouse thwarted

Two killed as terror attack on Istanbul courthouse thwarted

Type of event:
Terrorist/rebel/criminal assault






February 6, 2024

What happened

Two assailants linked to the DHKP-C terrorist group attacked a police checkpoint outside a major court in Istanbul, authorities said, and were killed in a shootout that left six people injured, one of whom died from her wounds. The attackers, a man and a woman, have been identified by police authorities as members of the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Front (DHKP-C). The DHKP-C is recognised as a terrorist organisation by Turkey, the United States, and the European Union. Although the DHKP-C’s terrorist activities are smaller than those of the PKK, another terrorist group targeting Turkey, it remains a serious threat to the country’s security.

Turkey has begun to emerge from a period of violence that began ten years ago, when it was hit by repeated bombings, largely repressed thanks to anti-terrorism operations but, despite this, the country remains on high alert.

Where it happened

Main sources